It empowers. It is associated with strength, power, and determination.
It is the color of action. It is the color of RedGuard.


We’ve been building modular, steel buildings since 1998. Buildings that have the strength to withstand the rigors of some of America’s toughest industries. After realizing our buildings could save lives in areas that are classified as hazardous work zones by the American Petroleum Institute, we realized we had the power to change things. We got to work, determined to create better blast-resistant buildings. We took action to keep people safe and protect assets.

We designed and researched, and then blast-tested until we had a design that our engineers knew would make a difference. We continue this work today as the industry’s safety authority on blast resistance. At RedGuard, we build the world’s safest blast-resistant buildings because we know that the people inside are priceless.

We believe that ongoing action is needed to keep people safe. We have thoughts on those next actions. Read our manifesto (some might call it a white paper) on The Next Step in the Evolution of Blast-Resistant Buildings.


Download: The Next Step in the Evolution of Blast-Resistant Buildings